When I started writing these things the initial idea was to write about some astounding realisations, newly uncovered life meanings, a lesson learned or stolen life advice. But at this point it has slowly developed into a diary of my never ending whirlwind of emotions and occasional rants about life––which is not the worst type of whining, but nonetheless, whining.
And that is what I have in store for this week's entry, a retrospective view of my past week or so, and if I dare say–– a cry for help.
If you know me personally then you know very well that I love my sleep, at 24 and my mother is still in disbelief that her dear daughter likes to spend my days sleeping in, well past 10 am instead of jumping out of bed bright and early to smash the day, regardless of whether or not I slept early. It’s not that I don’t have the hunger to get out of bed and churn out productiveness, it’s just that the comfort of my bed is sometimes the most constant thing in my life that leaving it seems like a betrayal of its loyalty to me.
But lately my favourite activity has been giving me a fair amount of stress as it’s been coupled with more than the occasional——- nightmares. I’ve been having nightmares for almost a week straight, the contents ranging from forgetting to go to work, mucking up at work, someone I care about believing rumours about me instead of what I say.( or something like that I forgot already this was last week rip)
In retrospect, that was definitely my body telling me that I need de-stressing because I have submerged myself in a copious amount of stress and I am simply going into overdrive with the fuse coming close to going off. Listen to your body folks, because otherwise––– kaboom there goes your head.