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portfolio & blog
an overview of Lovely lira's thoughts & Writing
"But I don't think all writers are sad. I think it's the other way around—all sad people write. " —
Lang Leave
blog posts
thoughts & ideas
Jul 16, 2020
Oceans Apart
On the surface we see the glamour, the thousand dollar workout attire, the smiles with the loud cheery chatter, the brunch photos, the...
May 21, 2020
A half-written emo short story by yours truly in 2016
She didn’t have a say in writing her own story, so she decided to make stories of her own. She got out of the house at 7 am and started...
Apr 19, 2019
To read or not to read.
I always like to think that I'm a better writer when I'm sad, and I believe it, because all sad people are incredibly creative, something...
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