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portfolio & blog
an overview of Lovely lira's thoughts & Writing
"But I don't think all writers are sad. I think it's the other way around—all sad people write. " —
Lang Leave
blog posts
thoughts & ideas
May 29, 2020
My Internet Favourites: (Podcasts & Instagram)
Just like the way I order the same few things after contemplating for ages in a restaurant, the abundance of choices in the internet...
May 20, 2020
My Highly rated TV binges (2019ish-2020)
As an expert procrastinator, one of the few things that I spend the most time on is watching tv shows, dramas and movies, anything to...
Feb 8, 2020
Reading Goals for 2020
In October 2019, I decided it would be a good idea to read a 100 books in a year, to get back on the reading grind in hopes that it can...
Feb 8, 2020
Book Review: Why we’re all needy —and why it’s OK
If you’re like me and have been told that you are too needy/clingy/too dependent/insecure and spend days wondering whether you’re better...
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